God Forgives and Forgets

Isaiah 43:25

I, I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.

Through Isaiah the prophet, God proclaims that the One who can remember everything chooses to forget our sins. God remembers them no more.

When I was a child, we were taught that God remembered our sins forever, so that on judgement day, they could all be laid out in front of us and a just judgement could be rendered. However, that is not the God described for us by the prophet Isaiah. God is not keeping track of our sins. Instead of reminding us of all our sins, I believe, God asks only one thing of us at the final judgement. It is the same question Jesus asked Peter when he prepared breakfast for the apostles after the resurrection at the sea of Galilee, “Do you love me?” God does not ask us for an accounting of everything we’ve ever done. God does not demand perfect justice by human standards. Rather, God remembers our sins no more.